Sofia Dobrushin is one to watch!

Are you tired of your music library? Do you love ha-ha-ing? Do you enjoy musical comedy but don’t want to admit it publicly in an effort to avoid small talk with nerds about Bo Burnham? Well, then, you should check out my hero Sofia Dobrushin. Sofia (she/they) is a singer, songwriter, comedian, actress, director, and overall bi-con that you need to know!
I found Sofia like we find all great things. Instagram, of course. Sofia does it all. She acts, she writes, she directs, but when I saw a clip of her talking to a puppet in her new music video, “Codependency,” I was like…Oh?! I clicked for the puppet, but I stayed for the comic. Who is this gal? Why don’t I know her? And how did she know I love puppets? Sofia is such an artist! Even from that tiny clip, I knew this comedian had a strong vision, knew her voice, and I wanted to know more!
Sofia is the perfect combo of all my favorite things: music, comedy, queerness, and vibes. You can tell she pours herself into every project she does because her brand always shines through. She knows how to create a world you want to live in. All her music videos have an unmistakable dreamy aesthetic mixed with delightful visual gags. Her angelic voice gives her music a folksy vibe which perfectly juxtaposes the funny lyrics she’s singing. Not only is her music funny, but it’s also really good music. Her songs get stuck in my head, and her voice is just dope. Don’t believe me? See their “It’s Not Gay” music video. Then we’ll talk! Sofia is one to watch! Go follow her now so you can say things like, “well, I knew about her before she blew up, so.”