Shannon Joy Rodgers stays ready

Shannon Joy Rodgers is a writer-performer from Austin, TX who has written for Ellen DeGeneres and Jimmy Kimmel and been featured on shows like Conan, Modern Family, and Adam Ruins Everything. She loves rollerblading, her dog, concerts, and a good meal.

What were you like as a teen?
I rollerbladed my whole life, and I loved SNL. So I followed a lot of SNL comedians like Cheri Oteri and Chris Kattan and eventually learned about UCB and progressed from there.
Favorite response to a heckler or troll?
Ignore them if it’s online. Heckled live? Just think of something smart and don’t punch down.
What or who inspired you to go into comedy?
I loved sketch and SNL, so I just found where those people studied and went from there!
When you were coming up in comedy, what helped you stick with it?
Leaving situations/teams/shows when they stopped being fun or weren’t serving a positive purpose in my life, and then going towards the joy.
Best comedy advice you ever got?
Hmm, I don’t know if it’s advice I’ve gotten, but staying consistent leads to success. Staying ready.
Worst comedy advice you ever got?
Anything too rigorous. “You HAVE to do xyz to succeed…”
What’s your first impulse when someone says “women aren’t funny”?
I laugh in their face. Then punch them in the aforementioned face.
Favorite response to “What’s it like to be a woman in comedy”?
You’re usually second-guessed and questioned a lot, so may as well do whatever you want and say what you want to get what you need.
On your deathbed, what transcendent advice would you croak at a young comedian?
Do whatever YOU want and trust your gut! No one knows what works or why. Having passion for your work is better than doing what’s “correct” or trendy for the time.
What single word always cracks you up?

Maggie Scudder runs the Editorial Content at GOLD. She is a writer, comedian, and NYC transplant. On her podcast, Edward is a Vampire, she is staunchly Team Rosella (RosalieXBella); on her TikTok, @wereplayinggames, she is very competitive. She loves sourdough toast, walking on boats, and the rule of threes.