Pascalle Dugay is praying for you

Pascalle Dugay is a Brooklyn-based comedy writer and host of Spiritual but Not Religious, a podcast about spirituality, the paranormal, new age, and organized religion.
Best comedy advice you ever got?
Not to worry about it so much.
Worst comedy advice you ever got?
It’s easy!
Was there one person who inspired you to become a comedian?
Maria Bamford. She has made a career late in life and is brutally honest and funny about real mental illness. She’s an inspiration and truly hilarious.
Favorite response to a heckler or troll?
When you were coming up in comedy, what helped you stick with it?
Encouragement from people I looked up to in comedy. It’s still what helps me today. Many people believed in me more than I believed in myself.
Single word that always cracks you up?
Describe your worst gig.
I was 9 years old, cross-dressing at a church event. 🙁
How has being funny helped you in your offstage life?
Being funny is a wonderful coping mechanism, better than most. It’s helped me in jobs, in interpersonal skills, and relationships.
On your deathbed, what transcendent advice would you croak at a female comedian?
Please put yourself first. Like, not so much to be a bad person, but put yourself first!
Pascalle Dugay is a Brooklyn-based comedy writer and host of Spiritual but Not Religious, a podcast about spirituality, the paranormal, new age, and organized religion. She also writes fire tweets. Follow her.