The other kids at school weren’t ready for Becky Abrams

Becky Abrams is a Brooklyn-based actor, comedian, writer, and voiceover artist. Raised in Atlanta, she headed north to study American Studies and Creative Writing at Columbia University, although to be honest she pretty much majored in The Varsity Show and Fruit Paunch. She trained in improv with The Upright Citizens Brigade and was a featured sketch performer on house teams Nipsey, Roanoke, and Moriarty. She also had a one-woman (+3 men) show called A Date With Every Boy that was a smash hit at UCBT Chelsea. These days she plays the Hannaford lady and appears in a PooPourri ad with Jonathan Van Ness while sitting on a toilet.
Describe your worst gig.
I once did a stand up set while a coffee shop was switching over into a bar for the night, and all three audience members had their arms crossed. One guy was shaking his head “no.” The stand up who went up after me commended me on my bravery for telling a dentist joke. The plus side? That coffee shop is now permanently closed 😉
What were you like as a teen? (Did you have comedy #goals? Were you already funny, or not so much?)
I got “you’re so weird” much more often than “you’re so funny,” but maybe they just weren’t ready?
What’s your first impulse when someone says “women aren’t funny”?
To frown and go “aw, poor guy.”
When you were coming up in comedy, what helped you stick with it?
The friends I’ve made and performed with. They’re everything to me and I’m so grateful for all the support and laughs we’ve shared.
Best comedy advice you ever got?
Pick your favorite memory from the show you just did and then let the rest go.
How has being funny helped you in your offstage life, either recently or when you were younger?
There were some sad aspects to my childhood, and watching Kids in the Hall or old SNL after school made me feel much less sad about it. It’s incredibly affirming for a weird kid to see other weirdos on TV.
Favorite response to “What’s it like to be a woman in comedy”? (If applicable.)
I’m still working out when to say “I just said that” and when to let it go.
Was there one person who inspired you to go into comedy? If so: Who, why, how?
Catherine O’Hara – no one commits like she does. Absolute icon.
Feelings about the word “comedienne”?
For a long time I thought it was cute, kind of Canadian sounding, but now I’m more into “comedy hoser, eh?” (for similar reasons).
On your deathbed, what transcendent advice would you croak at a young (female/non-binary) comedian?
Tell the truth, you beautiful weener, because someone else wants to hear it.
What single word always cracks you up?