Sachi Ezura had many, many un-sexy starter jobs

Sachi Ezura is a comedy producer, development exec, and writer in New York City.
After graduating from Harvard, she decided to disappoint her parents by pursuing a career in comedy. Throughout her career, she has sought to elevate new voices from underrepresented communities, and challenge systems to promote equity and inclusion. She loves comedy at the intersection of intelligent, thought-provoking, radical content and the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard. She currently works as VP, Adult Animation for the MTV Entertainment Group, developing animated projects for Comedy Central and Paramount +.
Can you please describe your worst gig?
I got fired after three weeks of being an assistant at a brand new company, where they had no computer or phone for me. I had to use my own computer and phone, which were bad and old, because I was broke at the time, and they thought I was just terrible at the job.
Did you have an un-sexy starter job?
I had many, many un-sexy starter jobs. I was an assistant at three different companies, making under minimum wage with no overtime. The third assistant job was the one I got fired from, and when they fired me, they said, “we think you’ll be a really good assistant in like three years.” I had already been doing it for three years!
What were you like as a teen?
I did not think I was funny (because of society!!!!), but I definitely was. I think I was pretty similar to how I am now — just on overdrive. I was loud and bossy and obnoxious, and it was not a time when people appreciated that in a girl, especially an Asian girl. I had pink streaks in my hair and wore pins that said things like “control freak” and “drama queen.” I watched a ton of TV, worshipped comedians, and wanted desperately to change the world.
On your deathbed, what transcendent advice would you croak at a young comedian?
Make your own stuff. Do not wait for gatekeepers to give you permission to make things. If you want to be making things, just do it consistently and get better and better until they can’t ignore you.
When you were coming up in comedy, what helped you stick with it?
A few very sweet, positive mentors told me that I was doing all the right things. Plus, having side projects like producing live comedy shows or filming web videos and getting positive feedback on those projects.
Best comedy advice you ever got?
Be open and kind to other people in the industry – both older and younger. Your career will hopefully be long and you will run into the same people for decades.
What is your go-to show or movie to watch when you have had a bad day?
13 Going on 30! Great ’80s soundtrack, great clothes, an underrated performance by Jennifer Garner, and Mark Ruffalo as the perfect dork-turned-sweetheart love interest. Plus Judy Greer, Jim Gaffigan, Andy Serkis… honestly a perfect comfort movie.
What specific things can a young comic/comedian do to shape their voice?
Write constantly and get on stage as much as you can. Go to shows and see what your peers are doing. Work with people who are kind and talented. Perform for different kinds of audiences.
Was there one person who inspired you to go into comedy?
Margaret Cho! Reading her books and seeing her specials felt like it gave me permission to be all the things that were bubbling up in me as a teenager. I wanted so desperately to be loud and political and sexual and opinionated and funny, and I felt like Asian women were just not supposed to be any of those things. Now we are living in a time of incredible representation and it feels crazy to think that just 30 years ago, there was literally one funny queer Asian woman to pin all our hopes and dreams onto.
Do you have a writing routine? If so, what is it?
I’m a huge fan of The Artist’s Way, so when I’m trying to write consistently, I always go back to morning pages.