10 Reasons You Should Take a Stand-up Class

One of the best decisions I ever made for myself was to take a comedy class. In 2014, after years of feeling a little lost, my desire to create something finally overcame my fear of drawing attention to myself.
I signed up for Improv 101 and became part of an amazing community where I met some of my best friends.
Sounds too simple, I know. But I’m forever grateful I made that step. Whether you want to take a stand-up class, a sketch writing class, a podcast class – they can all kick off an incredible new chapter for you. I promise!
If you still haven’t hit the “sign me up” button, here are 10 reasons you should take that stand-up class (now!) …
Take a stand-up class because you know you want to.
You’ve been thinking about it! You’ve put a pin in it only for it to break free from the pin and tap you on the shoulder! Now, you’re still here wondering if you should try it. You obviously want to, so let yourself live! We don’t always get to do the things we want, but this you can do.
You’ll conquer fears and build confidence.
There’s nothing like that “omg I actually did that!” feeling.
Give yourself that triumph by tackling your fears! After performing stand-up, especially if you were nervous about it, you’ll be asking “what else can I do?”
Plus, in an online stand-up class you can learn the fundamentals and start performing from the comfort of wherever you want. There’s no safer space than GOLD to try something new!.
Taking a stand-up class can “level up” your comedy.
Doing the same old things every day can put you “in a rut.” So, if you’re getting sick of your own thoughts, or just feel “blah,” stand-up class can fix that.
It’ll give you a bit of a thrill, change up your schedule, offer a new lens through which to look at your comedy (and your life!). Just like athletes who try a new drill to work different parts of the body, comedians need new workouts to exercise all their comedy muscles.
You’ll grow your network.
Sure, it feels comfy and safe to do stand-up alone in your room, where no one can hear you. But, no one can hear you.
You know it’s best to eventually get in front of people. Who better to do that with than experienced teachers (The New York Times, Friends, Full Frontal with Sam Bee, NPR, The Late Late Show with James Corden, MTV, BET, and more!).
They are, literally, there to help and get to know YOU! They’re on your side, helping you be the best you can be. It’s the perfect place to meet these supportive comedy angels.
A stand-up class can give you structure.
Do you have a journal filled with funny thoughts you want to explore, but then you never explore them? Now you will.
Week-to-week you’ll have assignments that help you dive into those dating horror stories or work crises you’ve been meaning to revisit.
Your next best collaborators could be waiting for you.
It’s such a satisfying feeling to find someone who “gets” you and your comedy. Your best friend could be waiting for you in a stand-up class. Even if you don’t end up creating with them, they could end up being your biggest fan.
We take all the support we can get!
You’ll get a peek “behind the curtain” and learn how it’s done.
Comedians make jokes look easy, but it takes dozens of rewrites and a lot of trial and error.
Learning this process can be the secret sauce you’ve been missing. After a class, maybe you’ll finally get that punchline to land. (Not sure what a punchline is? Don’t worry; Stand-up 101 will show you!)
You’ll find out how much you really like doing stand-up.
You love comedy. You love cracking jokes. Does this mean you should be a stand-up?
As with anything you never know ‘til you try! This is your chance to see if stand-up is a good fit for you.
You could also learn something new about yourself. Maybe, in the end, you think stand-up is cool, but next you really want to try sketch…
You won’t find yourself a year from now saying “I wish I had…”
Ugh, the feeling of “I wish I had…” We can’t fully erase regret from life, but this is one thing you don’t have to worry about regretting if you do it now.
Maybe in a year, you’ll be inviting people to your one-person show…
It’s low stakes and high reward.
Nothing I like more than low-stakes-high-reward opportunities, and they don’t come around every day. A stand-up class lasts only one month, and it could change your life – a fabulous way to close out 2021!
Write jokes. Make friends. Learn the rule of threes.
No matter your experience level, a stand-up class can be beneficial. It will make you more confident, prepare you for life, and be a fun activity.
You’re in luck. GOLD Comedy is starting their flagship class very soon. There is still time to find out more (and sign up for a free trial) about this class.
GOLD’s Standup 101 class is THE safest place to start your funny life. Come join us!
Kerri Shannon is a writer and comedy performer living in Baltimore, MD. You can find more of her writing at kerrishannon.com and follow her on Twitter @kerriashannon where she covers the world’s real news of what’s airing on Bravo and how she feels about it.