How to keep in touch (without being annoying)

In any field, it’s important to keep strong relationships with your peers and higher-ups. But how do you balance checking in, and avoid being annoying? Let’s look at what some common practices are in the Entertainment Industry.
1. Let’s Start Professional
Okay, so you’ve been seeing a really good comic at all your shows. And you finally work up the courage to introduce yourself. You get to chatting and you get along well! But, before you can get their number or email, they have to head out.
If they have an active presence on Twitter, start by following them. If you decide to do this, take a quick glance at your own Twitter account to make sure it has posts or content that you would be proud to share with another colleague. Have a clear photo of you as your main picture and some relevant career details or educational experience in your bio.
Once you follow that person, you can begin to engage in their content. Perhaps they tweet about a new project they are working on or a movie they just saw recently and enjoyed. You can add your brief thoughts of agreement or excitement so that you can establish mutual love and start a rapport. Rapport is just the first stop aboard the S.S. FriendSHIP.
You can also start by connecting with them on LinkedIn within a day or two of meeting them. Most industry pros have an established profile, and it’s a great way to learn more about the person once you’ve connected.
2. Let’s Get Personal
Time to use that personal email.
If you’ve been given their personal email, now is your chance to send an initial email. Cover all the basic stuff: that it was nice to meet them at whatever event, that you’d like to stay in touch, etc.
That way, when you check in with them later, they can look back and remember your connection.
The goal of this article is to help you balance keeping in touch with not being annoying. So, if you’re not in the same social circles, avoid reaching out without a purpose and rarely ask to catch up in person.
3. Let’s Get Coffee or Zoom
Schedule something. Get it on the books. Whether it’s in that initial email, or in one of your followups, set something up to get a little one-on-one time with that new connection.
Don’t be offended if, when you reach out, they offer availability a month or more out, just be gracious for their time and acceptance. Confirm the day before, and if it has to be rescheduled, which half of the time it does, just reschedule and stay positive.
4. When to Follow Up
If, during your very successful coffee or Zoom chat, they offered to read a sample of yours, try to send it the same day as the meeting. Then, give at least two months before you check in.
People have long lists of reading, so your first follow-up is just to check in and make sure you haven’t fallen through the cracks. At this point, there’s usually a simple “Oops! Let me add you back onto the list!” or an “I haven’t gotten to it yet, give me more time.”
After another two months or more, check back in. And after that… it might be time to accept you’re being blown off and move on. It sucks!! But, it happens. Don’t take it personally! After some time, the relationship can be rekindled, but wait until you have a genuine and solid reason to reach out again.
If they offered to pass your resume to someone for a job, and you haven’t heard anything after a week, it’s ok to check in with them and see if they did indeed pass your resume to the person hiring.
Jobs tend to open and close quickly in entertainment, so don’t be worried about checking in fairly regularly while your resume is out in the world.
Did you see someone’s name in an article about a promotion or a new job? Send them an email to say congrats! If they are in the opportunity to hire someone in a field that you’re in and you’re looking, now would be the time to throw in that if they need anyone in that job, you’re actively looking and would love to be kept in mind for any opportunities.
Happy connecting! ☺