
Opening all the doors
We’re here to change the face(s) of comedy. So we want to make extra sure that people from underrepresented backgrounds, and under-funded bank accounts, have access to what we do. So, once per quarter we dedicate a portion of our membership spots to funny fellowships. These folks get 50% off ($249.99) one year of membership in GOLD ($499.99), with full access to everything included. (We can’t guarantee that every interested applicant will receive a fellowship, but anyone can apply again the following quarter.) Fellowships are awarded and announced on the first date of every quarter.
Our need- and demographic-aware scholarships are open to:
- Women
- People of color
- LGBTQ+ individuals
- Folks without the means to afford full GOLD membership
- Folks with disabilities
- Veterans
Be part of the fun(d)!
So many of you have asked how you can help out GOLD. You are so nice! Here is how. You can make a one-time or quarterly/annual contribution to our Fellowship Fun(d). As we’re not a 501(c)(3) organization, your contribution isn’t tax-deductible, but you will directly make a difference in someone’s life and future. If you’re interested, just email us at and we’ll get it sorted. Thank you for your generosity and your commitment to making sure women/non-binary folks have the comedy skills they need to take over the world!
Thank you!
These folks are making it possible for more GOLDies to shine!
- Billy Abraham
- Jon Bines
- Judy Bornstein
- Karen Cahn
- Elisa Camahort
- Glisten Cieslak
- Betty Cohen
- Jane Condon
- Martha Corcoran
- Margit Detweiler
- Juliet and Craig Eastland
- Kristin Foley
- Elizabeth Gifford
- Ash Glover-Ganapathiraju
- James Harris
- Dan, Audrey, and Hazel Hoffman
- AJ Jacobs
- Alyssa Jethani
- Laurel Kaish
- Amy Keyishian
- Christine Kuper
- Stacey and David Lender
- Heather Myers
- Lorin Robyn Goldhirsch
- Jim Rosenfeld
- Rachel Sklar
- Genevieve Thiers
- Andy Wagner
- Molly Walls
- Davin Wedel
- David Wermuth
- Christina Zwart