The Problem with SNL’s Digital Short Teams

Problem: SNL keeps hiring digital teams of white dudes.
Solution: Make some kickass digital teams that center women and nonbinary folks.
Let’s get something straight—I love Lonely Island. Please Don’t Destroy totally slaps. I get it!! But, a few months ago I saw this tweet:
Ana Bretón is a twice Emmy nominated digital producer. Her credits include Full Frontal with Sam Bee, The Drew Barrymore Show, and The Kids Tonight Show. Plus not to put too fine a point on it, but she is incredibly cool and nice and my new friend!! (That’s just a teaser for what’s to come. Read to find out how we became BFFs.)
Turns out, GOLD founder Lynn Harris already KNEW Ana. (Lynn knows everyone. She’s a wizard at knowing people.) Better yet, I come to find Ana has known GOLD all along. This is big, giant, extra, double-exciting news!
Fast forward to today and we are LAUNCHING GOLD Digital Teams.
Why should GOLD Digital Teams matter to you?
It should matter, partially because (as Lynn says best) when you make people laugh, you make them listen. And this is about making the world listen to people that aren’t just white kids, NYU grads, O.G. Lampoon bros, and … you get what I mean.
And also: We want you to join our digital teams! This is your chance to collaborate and MAKE FUNNY STUFF with other like-minded comedy nerds. Yes, this is your chance to add legit experience to that resume: you’ll get seen, hired, and probably become a twice Emmy-nominated superstar! And yes, it will barely matter because you’ll be having so much soul-healing fun!
How do you join GOLD Digital Teams?
It’s easy! Here are some fun nerf-bullet points:
- Fill out this form.
- If you have bonus Q’s after reading this article, you can watch a recap of our informational mixer.
- Yes, it was a very fun meeting! I (a regular and not-Emmy nommed person) even made this (not viral) (embarrassing) tweet about it:
How will GOLD Digital Teams work, like, logistically?
Allow me to put your sweet, gentle mind at ease with a list of details.
Here’s our plan for GOLD Digital Teams:
8 people per team
Teams work together for 1 year
Teams meet twice a week (or as needed)
Teams are expected to make 1 video a month
Each member is expected to take on two roles (producer/writer for example)
- Team members will join the GOLD community/creative network in order to access what they’ll need to make it easy for them to work together. GOLD memberships are $300/year.
- A limited number of need-based, diversity-focused scholarships are available—please see the link toward the bottom of, and if you apply, please mention the digital teams
More cool stuff:
Ana will be your personal advisor and will help teams get videos from pre- to post- production.
You will get paid for your work! Teams will receive $100 per video.
Being part of GOLD means you get access to the women/nb-first creative comedy network we’re building together—including all the other GOLD offerings (classes, collabs, convos with pros and celebs, and more)
Cool guest speakers will stop by team meetings!
Teams will start on a rolling basis in mid-March/April 2022. (We hope to announce teams mid-March.)
If you do not make a team, we will keep a list of alternates in case people drop out during the year
If you need to develop skills, you can do that with GOLD’s classes, community, and collabs. You can also take Ana’s beginner production class here.
Teams are meant to be a fun, collaborative experience!
Okay, but what about Ana and Maggie becoming friends? How did that tale end?
Thank you so, so much for caring, dear Reader. I hope one day to return the favor. I do love hearing about friends!!!
Anyway, I’ll spare you the ooey-gooey details and just show you this HISTORIC Slack.
You heard it here first, folks…
Do you have questions about GOLD’s Digital Teams?
Shoot us an email at
Maggie Scudder runs the Editorial Content and teaches Sketch Comedy at GOLD. She is a writer, comedian, and NYC transplant. On her podcast, Edward is a Vampire, she is staunchly Team Rosella (RosalieXBella); on her TikTok, @wereplayinggames, she is very competitive. She loves sourdough toast, walking on boats, and the rule of threes.