Sharita Gonzalez isn’t bombing at Karaoke

What were you like as a teen?
As a teen, I was shy and reserved. I only hung out with my brothers and we would roast each other daily
Did you have an un-sexy starter job?
My first job was at a Korean grocery store because they would sell me my mom’s cigarettes knowing I was underage, but knew I didn’t smoke. I also had a crush on their son.
What do you consider to be your biggest comedy achievement to date?
My greatest comedy achievement to date would be performing at a sold-out show in Odessa and not bombing.
When you were coming up in comedy, what helped you stick with it? 
The women in the audience who would come up to me after the show and tell me how funny I was.
Have you ever dealt with trolls? Hecklers? Toxic colleagues?
YES!!! Hecklers just want to have fun so I’ll do the friendly banter with them. If they are being obnoxious then I roast them and keep it moving. As for the colleagues, they don’t book me on their bro shows so for every open mic they are at, I make it my mission to be the funniest person that night
On your deathbed, what transcendent advice would you croak at a young comedian? 
Gurl, if you aren’t laughing more than the haters, write better jokes!
Best comedy advice you ever got?
Keep going and don’t perform for other comics. They aren’t buying tickets.
Worst comedy advice you ever got? 
“You should quit now since you’re not putting out.”
How has being funny helped you in your life? 
As a combat veteran and divorcee, there was a time when I wasn’t laughing. I learned to laugh at everything, good or bad because I came out of darkness. I have to revisit the darkness every so often but now I know how to.
What specific things should a novice comic do to shape their voice? 
Karaoke has helped me work a stage and project my voice and get over being shy!
Who inspired you to go into comedy?
Growing up, my mom watched a lot of Eddie Murphy movies and specials. I always thought that I could do that–tell jokes and make people laugh, but I never thought I would actually do it. My mom has seen my material and is a little bit shocked that I’m successful, but knows how shy I am
What is your go-to show?
Bob’s Burgers or City Hunter
What word(s) always cracks you up?
Skippity Paps