Our best advice from comedians in 2024

Each week, we post Q&As with comedians or comedy-adjacent professionals. One thing we love to hear from them is about the best and worst advice they’ve ever received. Here’s some of the best (of the best) we heard all year.
“The actor, Chaz Palmintiri, and the director Mark Travis told me this: every time you go on stage, tell yourself that it’s the first time you ever get to tell the story and also the last.” – Wendy Hammers
“There is no one else offering what you have to offer.” – Anamaria Leon
“There’s always a solution, it all comes down to asking the right questions of the right people.” – Nitzan Mager
“Always remember what you’re making, when it feels impossible and hard, and you’re overworked and not making enough money just remember what you’re doing and try and find some inspiration in the material.” – Mackenzie Hill
“Be you. It’s that simple and it’s that complex.” – Mary Lemmer
“Don’t live only in clubs, bars, or open mics. Live your life fully, then return to the club, bar, or open mic to turn all that living into art.” – Laura Mannino
“Take a break, but don’t quit.” – Sharon Spell
“Tough Love and Shitty Advice might feel the same to receive, but only one is helpful; learn how to differentiate between the two.” – Dakota Ray Hebert
“Don’t make decisions now in fear of your future failures. Make decisions now in belief of your future successes.” – Mattie Jo Cowsert
“It’s corny, but JUST DO IT, BITCH! Don’t overthink, just do!” – Amanda Alvich
“Have fun, my love.” – Kiran Deol
“If it’s embarrassing, do it.” – Tessa Greenberg