Comedy to help you avoid that election doom spiral

Election day looms large. We’re so close that you can watch the countdown in everyone’s eyes. So, to help with the inevitable doom spiral of election day (and who knows how many days after?? AAAAH!!!!) I created a handy little listy of comedy that might help! Here we gooOoOooOooooo…
What do you mean that didn’t distract you? Fine! Then just go to real quick and settle your shit. Make sure you know your polling place and memorize your down-ballot elections!! (If you live in NYC here is a handy rhyme: Prop one should win; Nix 2-6.) When you’re done with, come back and give me another chance:
What? What!! I thought you loved Tim! That’s a fun impression! What do you mean I AM the one who is doom spiraling? I’m soooo chill. Hey, click here: make like, oh I don’t know, 20 to a million calls before watching the next vid.
Tee hee. I got you with that one, right? A simpler, but still objectively stressful and awful time in American politics. But man oh man…SNL was on fire. Hey, real quick before we move onto the next video…. Will you click here and here?
That was a fun moment! We needed it and Melissa DID it. Wow. How’s the doom spiral going? I hope it’s a little better by now. You’ve gotten your voting ducks in a line with minimal panicked quacking! If you haven’t yet done what I DEMAND of you, here is your last chance to make calls for Kamala and/or visit
This one is just for fun. I love this sketch because it’s so silly and distracts me from the fact that sometimes our country is a load of beef sitting on the side of a highway getting its butt sucked by flies.
Happy 2024 election cycle! Let’s go elect our first woman president so we can finally sleep!!!